Monday, September 27, 2010

"For Sale By Owner" Outreach...

Realtor Drive By Shooting!

Sounds Like a Country Song!
 If you are brave enough to be attempting to sell your home on your own...
in the roughest, toughest real estate market since the end of WWII...
you probably did it before and tasted success.

What I would give right now for a taste of the wild rides of 1985-1990... or 2000-2006!  Heck, I'd settle for the balanced and calm years of 1993-1999.  But this?  Who saw this coming?  (Oh, right - all the politicians with 20-20 hindsight).  I mean come on, man!  We here in Palm Coast and Flagler Beach enjoyed being "The Fastest Growing County in the USA" for most of 2003, 2004, and 2005!

Age Has Its Privileges!

FACT:  If we had continued that rate of escalation in value (about 25% per year), our median priced home would have jumped from about $230K to over $1,000,000 by 2012!  And that for a standard 2,000 sq.ft., 3/2/2 on a normal lot.  That great ocean front home in The Hammock or on Flagler Beach, which was $2,000,000 in 2005 would have teetered near a staggering $10,000,000.  We would have been a mirror image of Southern California, except with no jobs of that caliber.  Absolutely unsustainable!  It's almost good news that it happened when it did... because it could have become far worse.

Most real estate agents are a bit wary of "FSBO's."  You know why?  I'm guessing that you are seen as being "too savvy" or perhaps "too unmotivated."  Also probably "anti-real estate agent" and, of course, "anti-commission."  It's a mindset thing.  If an agent, at their core, doesn't believe you need them, then you probably don't!

If You Are In Trouble,
Don't Let Foreclosure Happen!
I Can Help.

My belief is this: 
  • Truly motivated sellers want a highly motivated, aggressive, experienced, well trained, real estate expert to help in these challenging times.  One who can take charge of the situation, who understands the business, and who will tell them the truth about the market... not just what you want to hear!
  • They want someone who can take an ordinary thing and do it in an extraordinary way.
  • They want the real estate holy grail:
    • Can my agent be trusted (with the keys to my house and input to my financial decisions)
    • Does my agent really care about my personal outcome?  Are they empathetic and compassionate and ethically centered?
    • And finally... Are they competent... Can they get the job done?

Don't Let This Happen To You.
The Market "is what it is."
Make the Most of It!

I believe that a "For Sale By Owner" sign is a call to action...  a request to "Apply Within!"

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