The WWII guys are in their 80's... Korea, their 70's... Viet Nam, their 60's... The Gulf War, their 30's & 40's... Afghanistan and Iraq, their 20's & 30's.
I'm right on schedule, 62 years old and out of the Army for 21 years now, after having served for 20. I was no hero, yet I saw my share of action in Viet Nam, with the 196th Infantry Brigade. It's been nearly 40 years since then, but 1968-69 can seem very fresh from time to time.
My namesake, Uncle Frank Zedar, my Dad's oldest brother, was killed in WWII. He was a glider pilot in the Allied push into hostile Germany. He went down after having dropped troops from the 82nd Airborne Division. His Purple Heart and Bronze Star hung on the wall at my Gramma's house when I was a kid. Uncle Frank was revered for what he did. At 21, when Viet Nam hit the fan, there was no draft card burning or protesting in my blood. I followed Uncle Frank into the US Army.
We don't see too much of that any more. The draft is long gone. When I see a young man or woman join up, it makes my heart sing. You wanna' be "Army Strong?" How about one of "The few, The proud, The Marines?" Ship out with the best Navy on the planet? Serve in the most dominant Air Force imaginable? Protect our shores with our amazing Coast Guard? Check it out... kids are looking for exciting ways to spend their lives. If you know a young person, point them in the direction of service. They are friendly nations today, yet back then, if our military forces had cracked, we'd be speaking Japanese in California and German in New York.
Veteran's Day - is a day of "Thanks." It's been said that we Americans take our freedom for granted. Well, believe this: Those that have ever carried a ruck sack and slung a rifle over their shoulder don't. When you see a Soldier, Marine, Airman, Sailor, or Coast Guardsman... walk up to them. Look them in the eye. Shake their hand. Say "Thank you." Lay it on thick... Say "Thank you for your sacrifice - we really appreciate it."
1LT Terry Mc Dermott will never come home (my "Little Brother" in Officer Candidate School), nor will PFC Freddy Karaman, from my hometown of Endicott, NY. I still see them in their youth - I think of them often - and I sure miss them.
(P.S. Check out: http://www.realestateforheroes.com/ It's "Under Construction" now, with a "Philosophy" Home Page, but should be fleshed out and useable by 11/19/07. It's my way of saying "Thank you.")
I guess you just said it pretty well.
As always, thank you, Peter. Some posts are "light and funny," but we both know that this one's not.
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