So what about you? Stop looking around... I mean you. Are you where you'd like to be? I did a personal "be honest" this week... and I'm surely not where I'd like to be. I joined the great new gym in Flagler Beach this year. "Fitness One" is a full service gym (OK, I'll go ahead and say it... "Just like up North") on Old Kings Road, just South of Rt. 100. Check out this link for information: http://www.fitnessoneinc.com/ Now, I go to the gym on a fairly regular basis. The problem, however, is twofold: One- My routine at the gym has become stale. I'm hearing that old saying in my head, "If you continue to do what you've always done, you'll continue to get what you've always gotten." Message? It's time to shake things up with new and exciting routines. Want to see something "new and exciting"... actually closer to "insane?" Check out this link. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and watch the video: http://www.rosstraining.com/articles/budget.html Not for the faint of heart. Two- When you eat wrong too often, it's hard to stay lean... even when you are working out regularly. Message? It's time to pay more attention to "chicken, salmon, apples and broccoli," than to "sausages, burgers, cookies and ice cream."
So, here's the deal. If you're reading this, I'm asking you to accept a challenge. (If you are currently in superb shape and ready for your next marathon, then stop reading.) However, if you are like many of us, you could use a little boost. The challenge is simple: Lose 10% of your current weight by November 1st. That's about ten weeks from now. Include some exercise in your daily routine... and make better food choices. Sounds easy, right? Guys, if you're at 265 - get to 238. If you're at a pudgy 180 - get to 162. Ladies, if you're at 145 and a size 12, get to a leaner 130 and a size 8. The amazing thing that will happen is that you will gain some lean muscle... while you lose weight and fat. Your clothes will fit better. Sweet. Today, I'm at 207 lbs. By November 1st, I'm going to be at 185 lbs. Most of the nice pants in my closet are 34's and I can't get into them without looking like I'm trying way too hard. Truth be told, the newer 36's are starting to protest. Anyway, I'll re-visit this in November right here in the blog. I'll let you know how I did. Care to join me???
*** (My insurance company just called to say I need a disclaimer... something about seeing a doctor before starting a rigorous fitness program... Good luck:-)
211 lbs this morning... I am making no ironclad promises but remind me to weigh-in on November 1st.
UMMMMMMM....hello Daddy-O!! I think you stole MY favorite quote EVER for your blog here. Maybe you've said it before me (but I'm not so sure), but I made the claim to fame with the line "If you always do, what you've always done, you will always get what you have always gotten." This quote won me the Miss Orlando USA title when I used it regarding an On-stage question that asked me how I respond to "change." Is this a coincidence that we are so fond of the same quote...or perhaps...did you steal it from me????
-Love your page, love the blog, and I love you- :0)
Your youngest(and coolest)daughter (Sorry Andi and Susan :)
royalld- We'll check in on Nov 1st, OK?
Chelsea- It is a great quote... words to live by. I first heard it in 1986 at a real estate training workshop in Richmond, VA. It floored me. Also got some tapes then, called "The Greatest Secret." The "secret" was that "You become what you think about." And another favorite- "If you think you can... or you can't... you're probably right." I know that I have said those things a lot through the years to you and Andi and Suzy and Zach. I love you. Dad:-)
If I could tell you something FYI about Fitness One. I just got kicked out and was refused my $ or remaning time of membership and when I was able to continues workingout they would not except my Doctors excuse. When first jointed the Freeze rules was call and bring in note from doctor. Well don't engage any contact to the General Manager on a bad day. She says I need to freeze with note first. Like I know I was going to be sick. I froze my membership on Oct 19th 07over phone then brought in note from doctor miss manager got hussy and fussy because I wished she could have e-mailed or call to tell me i had to remove lock,
She accused me of cursing in lobby- she was- and threatened to call police. I left with white plastic bag in truck looking tosee if every theing was there crying because I never expected to be treated like this in a gym She came out side and treatened to call poloce again when someone came to me and asked me if I was ok! I have friends at the gym. I told him and others might have hear us but I left as soon as possible.Life is so short and to have someone so angery over such small thinks make me think some people just dont get it(partner-owner) only acted very unpleasant like insulted his decssion his choice of GM.I can go On and on but just be careful of FITNESS ONE. They look like nice on out side but personalside inside only for the money of us "rich"
Palm coast client. I send picture next time. Schrimpy
Blondie- It sounds like you and the gym had a really frustrating misunderstanding. That's too bad, because everyone I know who goes there... really likes "Fitness One" and the people who work there. I'm a professional mediator and know that these things can often go bad, when one or both parties involved, becomes unreasonable. Since I wasn't there, I can't comment objectively. I will, however, forward your comments to the gym and give them the opportunity to respond. Thank you for reading www.PalmCoastUnplugged.com. (Frank Zedar)
Look... I am a client at Fitness one, and I feel inclined to post something about the service there. There are several people there that are quite pleasant. The front desk girls learn your first name quickly, and always acknowledge you when you arrive. The management is very professional, and always very courteous. Unfortunately most of the trainers are not so professional. Being the southern gentlemen that I am, I make it a point to acknowledge every person that I come in contact with. I am so sick and tired of walking by these "employees" and saying hello only to recieve a stone face almost as if I am bothering them by wasting their time with niceties (sp?). Keep in mind (if any of the guilty parties are reading this) that essentially you work for me. I pay membership to the gym that pays your salary. It is your job to be courteous to the members. YOUR JOB. I don't care if you feel like you are better than most of the people there because you think you are in incredible shape (which if I may say so there is not really any trainers there that are in such great shape). No...no you are a person just like me, and it would be nice if you could drop your own insecurities to make sure that the people who keep you employed feel like they belong at the gym they spend their hard earned money to attend. You are not entitled to anything, nor do you have a high horse to be sitting on passing judegment on anyone. You are an "employee" to the customer. Just the same as a waiter/waitress at a restaraunt, or the person who changes your oil, or the person who takes your movie ticket. So to all of you "trainers" that suck that gut in and walk around all puffed out making glances at the people who pay your salary I say this,"Drop the attitude you loser. Life is too short to walk around angry all the time. I would address you all individually when I see you, but don't want to waste my valuable time teaching you ettiquite. Maybe if being nice to the customer is too much to ask then you should find a different line of work. Maybe something in the silent film industry or in Ultimate fighting. That way you can beat the hell out of people just like you, and we can all watch. At least then you would be performing some kind of service to the greater good." Thank you for letting me vent, and check out fitness one. It's a great gym, just don't talk to any of the trainers
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