- Be cautious of "Credit repair" offers. "Just $49.95 a month and we do all the work!?" Be careful. You can often do most of this on your own with a little discipline.
- You can get a free credit report, once a year, from the three major credit reporting agencies, without dinging your score. They are Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union.
- In simple terms, your score depends on: Your payment history, The amounts you currently owe, The length of your current credit history, The types of credit you use, and New credit you may have.
- Pay your bills on time. Late payments are credit killers. If you miss the due date, make every effort to pay before the next billing cycle. This can keep the tardiness from becoming a reportable event. Use your bank's on-line payment system for convenience and super record keeping.
- Keep credit card and store revolving credit card balances low.
- If you are "past due" on an account, get current.
- Don't close unused accounts.
- Don't open any new accounts.
- If you are having trouble with payments, call the creditor and make an attempt to work it out. Being pro-active can yield some decent outcomes.
- If your credit report shows items that you are in disagreement with, write them letters of explanation. Everyone seems to have a story about a divorce or a rogue insurance non-payment, or a totally un-explainable item on their report ("I never even had a Sears charge card!"). Deal with these pesky issues and you'll be rewarded.
- Create a plan. Write it out. Have a timeline, by which you want these problems solved. Make it a priority and you will eventually enjoy the benefits.
There... Hope this is useful. Call us and we'll help you do this. Then, when you are ready, we'll help you purchase a home!